Saturday, April 09, 2005

matching hairdos

as i've taken an unintentional break from blogging over the last few weeks some part of me feels i owe you -- or maybe me -- some kind of explanation for this abandonment of task.

the truth is, that 'some part' is far tinier than in the past (or this past, or this past) but i was looking for a segueway to get back into things anyway. so here goes....

well actually i don't really have one -- i've been genuinely busy and thus as apparantly blog-directed creative inspiration has not sufficiently outweighed my to do list, ergo lack of post.

that said this may be a good time to confess the one detail that has affected my overall blogging in past months.

i'm seeing someone.
again i only feel a need to admit this: a) now that a decent(ish) amount has past in said venture and b) due to a sense of loyalty to my readership given posts such as this or this.

i'm not going to go into any more detail becaue i honestly dont feel the need or desire to bare all here when thank g-d i have several marvelous friends who have provided more than their fair share of 24/7 counselling services (aka wonderful commening to my f2f blogging).

i am also aware that said someone is more than happy at his lack of mention and cherishes his genuine anonymity on this blog so in the interests of more good things in the future i aim to maintain this status.

i know this is not the juicy stuff that voyeruristic blog readership (hey i'm one of them) hangs about for but sorry c'est la vie.

this is your bone, consider it thrown.

oh ok....... one more thing. but just cos i like you.

as said someone is of american persuasion , he is being slowly exposed to the depths of real british culture, part of which has been an education on the ever rivetting royal family.

so having covered the basics e.g. "will camilla ever be queen?", in light of today's historical events, let me move on and say, that despite recent evidence to the contrary (see pic) the question "are his and hers hairdos a british tradition?", has the same unambiguous answer.
