wherefore to blog take 2
why blog?
its a question i get asked a lot.
not that i feel that i'm such a blogger these days. or to quote a friend "proficient bloggers blog daily".
yes my non-prolific state has been an expression of the struggles i'm having about how personal i can get in these columns and if not, whats the point? how is it helping me? (ie do i need to just post stuff to entertain others). the jury's still out but meanwhile i'm going to throw out two things that relate to where i'm holding at the moment.
1) this post. i feel alot for the writer (who i know) and worry if the bizarre way of sharing in a relationship is really what things have really come to.
2) a synchronous IM conversation i had with my father this morning. (please note while obligatory chat about state of weather has been deleted it really was him that raised the topic)
its a question i get asked a lot.
not that i feel that i'm such a blogger these days. or to quote a friend "proficient bloggers blog daily".
yes my non-prolific state has been an expression of the struggles i'm having about how personal i can get in these columns and if not, whats the point? how is it helping me? (ie do i need to just post stuff to entertain others). the jury's still out but meanwhile i'm going to throw out two things that relate to where i'm holding at the moment.
1) this post. i feel alot for the writer (who i know) and worry if the bizarre way of sharing in a relationship is really what things have really come to.
2) a synchronous IM conversation i had with my father this morning. (please note while obligatory chat about state of weather has been deleted it really was him that raised the topic)
Dad says: tell me you any ifdea how many people read yr blog?
LG says: theres a counter
LG says: why?
LG says: do you?
Dad says: yes
LG says: thoughts?
Dad says: vey interesting
LG says: care to elaborate?
Dad says: its a bit like baring yr soul to the world at times and at others being yr very own newspaper columnist
Dad says: do u think most who read it know who u are
LG says: yes, i think unfortunately although there are some who dont
LG says: i like to pretend that they're the majority
Dad says: is the blog you or an alter ego
LG says: in general me
LG says: which is why its not really as personal as it could be
LG says: i definitely censor myself
Dad says: how can somthing be truly personal if open to the world
LG says: as in not so much because its me but becasue people know me
LG says: i kind of regret telling people i know
Dad says: so what were you trying to achieve - just self expression or more?
LG says: i'm not sure too much thought went in but self expression was definitely part of it. my first post explains some of my thinking
LG says: its evolved though
Dad says: it wouldnt be difficult for any anglosaxon Yerushalmi to work out who you are
Dad says: after all how many people do comedy in Har Nof?
LG says: whatever
Dad says: rather like one of those diaries intended for publication except that this is instantaneous!
LG says: yeh something like that
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