bill please
is it my imagination or did every single utility company plus several non-utility ones just send out the hugest bills ever simultaneously?
did i really spend mid november to mid january heating a sauna in my apartment, cooking for england on all four burners, speaking non-stop on the phone abroad and locally (oh and on my mobile in the other hand), gushing niagra (or a spring in ein gedi) out of my taps, all while driving on kvish 6 (israel toll road) in a non-taxed car?
in general i'm good with bills -- paying and monitoring. i even did a personal finances course last year that really help me get organized but when the push comes to shove (and it just did in a huge push shovey kind of way) i hate paying them.
and if the obligation to pay them wasnt enough then there's all that other wierd bill behavior to really piss you off.
the great disappearing bill
the bill's due on the 10th of the month so following the wisdom of my course i only pay it on the 10th otherwise the company gets the benefit of my money (and i dont) for longer than they deserve. i spend 2 weeks with bill in bag or by my computer or somewhere memorable and then suddenly on the 10th it moves/is moved/runs to freedom. i dont know which is true and i'm really not ready to enter into the inanimate objects cant move debate cos we all know deep down based on empirical evidence and a belief in pixies that is blatantly the biggest hoax in scientific history... but all i do know is at this rate i should just automatically add another 5-10 nis to each bill i have , based on the excess charges i end up paying. grrr!
the miscalculated bill
i guess once we're throwing money at these companies anyway why should we possibly expect service at the same time. they must be far too busy counting their wads. which explains why they (whoops) add the amount you already paid last month rather than subtracting it (ha ha dorgaz gas company i caught you this time) or as is the case with the Israel water company (Gihon) they just cant seem to get round to reading the meters so they thought they'd just guess instead.
the unpayable bill
recurring offenders for this one are the israeli tv licence people. this bill may not be paid in a bank or the post office and their telephone lines are open like twice a week. what do they want me to do pay them in blood through the ER? whats more as well us charging phenomenal amounts of money even to those who dont even have a tv (but once 5 years ago they shared with a roommate who did) and despite being totally uncontactable they do manage to automatically add 10% to bills (and send out a new one) if the bill is even a sniff of a day late.
oh well time to go -- sitting here typing could be costing me money.
did i really spend mid november to mid january heating a sauna in my apartment, cooking for england on all four burners, speaking non-stop on the phone abroad and locally (oh and on my mobile in the other hand), gushing niagra (or a spring in ein gedi) out of my taps, all while driving on kvish 6 (israel toll road) in a non-taxed car?
in general i'm good with bills -- paying and monitoring. i even did a personal finances course last year that really help me get organized but when the push comes to shove (and it just did in a huge push shovey kind of way) i hate paying them.
and if the obligation to pay them wasnt enough then there's all that other wierd bill behavior to really piss you off.
the great disappearing bill
the bill's due on the 10th of the month so following the wisdom of my course i only pay it on the 10th otherwise the company gets the benefit of my money (and i dont) for longer than they deserve. i spend 2 weeks with bill in bag or by my computer or somewhere memorable and then suddenly on the 10th it moves/is moved/runs to freedom. i dont know which is true and i'm really not ready to enter into the inanimate objects cant move debate cos we all know deep down based on empirical evidence and a belief in pixies that is blatantly the biggest hoax in scientific history... but all i do know is at this rate i should just automatically add another 5-10 nis to each bill i have , based on the excess charges i end up paying. grrr!
the miscalculated bill
i guess once we're throwing money at these companies anyway why should we possibly expect service at the same time. they must be far too busy counting their wads. which explains why they (whoops) add the amount you already paid last month rather than subtracting it (ha ha dorgaz gas company i caught you this time) or as is the case with the Israel water company (Gihon) they just cant seem to get round to reading the meters so they thought they'd just guess instead.
the unpayable bill
recurring offenders for this one are the israeli tv licence people. this bill may not be paid in a bank or the post office and their telephone lines are open like twice a week. what do they want me to do pay them in blood through the ER? whats more as well us charging phenomenal amounts of money even to those who dont even have a tv (but once 5 years ago they shared with a roommate who did) and despite being totally uncontactable they do manage to automatically add 10% to bills (and send out a new one) if the bill is even a sniff of a day late.
oh well time to go -- sitting here typing could be costing me money.
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