Wednesday, December 01, 2004

no comment

wow i've never had so many comments for a post before - and four from people i dont know at all. that was really exciting.

so jdate/dating is something everyone finds funny - it's comedy's lowest common denominator du jour. or to put it SAT/GRE style:

ripping off jdate is to young adults as toilet humour is to the british public

or something like that
thank god i never had to take those types of exams. no - my academic abilities were assessed by the good old british essay.

jdate is laughable, discuss

anyway onwards and upwards although i do feel the need to say a couple more things connected to my last post and then that'll be it i promise

1)apology 1 - i'm not into creating a dialog in comments so thanks for writing and dont think lack of response isnt lack of appreciation, its just me. you see its not just for comments. i also have a terrible habit of receiving e-mails from people who i really like, reading them, smiling at them, getting that warm fuzzy feeling... and then never writing back. i do mean to, i just forget or dont find the time to write properly. whatever, you get the gist.

2) amendment 1 - the guy mentioned in the last post does not (as far as i'm aware) work with me. he was at my office cos i work in that kind of place that everyone in the anglo saxon community ends up visiting at some point or another. he could have been interviewing for a job, who knows. so no i won't see him regularly around the corridors but by the law of jerusalem probabilities i'm sure i will meet him again! (and no i dont work in CSM)

3) amendment 2 - apparantly that really was the standard jdate reject letter. i'm not sure if that makes me feel worse, better or just as pissed. i would say that it was a good sign that in x years (for x read quite a few) i'd never been sent it before but it does open up a bit of a pandora's box on dating etiquette: eg is it better to ignore rather than be polite?; can clicking one button to send an automated response actually be classified as being polite?; if an educated, intelligent and charismatic woman writes to a man shouldn't he at least have the decency to write back in person?! oh well.........